My printer’s broken.
Well, actually my printer isn’t broken so much as being bricked by the manufacturer.
You see, I have an Epson EcoTank. I bought it in January of 2021 and am only on my second set of ink bottles even though between doctor appointment notes, and lab/scan test results, and writing projects, and gluten free recipes and more, I print a lot.
The problem is the software says the ink pad is kaput. We bought a new pad and installed it only to discover there doesn’t appear to be a way to reset the ink pad counter!
I’m not really interested in adding $200+ on our credit card to buy a new printer during a time when we are focused on paying down that debt and rebuilding our savings. Our library offers 100 free pages of black & white printing a month (or is it a week?). I’m gonna give using that resource very intentionally and returning to writing down recipes in a spiral notebook and see how that goes before I shell out more money because of greedy and wasteful planned obsolescence.
In a way, this could turn into a positive – a way to live more intentionally and with far less waste.
I mean, if I’m not willing to write out a recipe to try but I would have printed it out, well clearly I’m not that invested in trying it and that likely would have been yet another recipe printed and stored away without ever having been given a go.
And having less paper to manage will also hopefully mean less life admin stress and since stress feeds inflammation and inflammation feeds cancer growth that is definitely a good thing! I do NOT want to have this cancer fed enough to grow itself a new tumor.
Now, I am planning on going through both
Susannah Conway’s Unravel Your Year and Find Your Word workbooks so that’ll be what I print first. I also always go through her end-of-year workbooks. I love them. This year with my hysterectomy, leiomyosarcoma diagnosis and a whole lot of inner healing work, I think Unravel Your Year will be super supportive for me.
If you’ve not already got a solid end-of-year reflection and new-year intention practice, or if you’re just plain curious, please click over to and get your copies of these free workbooks.
She also offers live group workshops for both – her teaching style is super gentle and protectively encouraging, she just creates these really lovely, safe spaces for expansion. You can find out more or sign up for the live workshops at the link above too.
So, yeah, looks like I’ll be working on printing less, with more intention and consideration next year and as I type that out I notice a sense of excitement about getting back to writing out recipes. That’s curious, I’m curious to see where this next year writing more things out by hand brings me.
How about you, do you print a lot, a little, or none at all? I’m a messy baker/cook so bringing in my phone to the kitchen to read from seems kinda dangerous. I’d like to know how you handle recipes especially?
. . .
thank you for reading, and please keep loving each other.
kat❤ are you also a gentle kindred too?
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